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Northern Paediatric Emergency Medicine Association committee

Our Ambition

The Northern Paediatric Emergency Medicine Association was founded in 2008 by a group of Emergency Medicine Consultants with an interest in Paediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM).

The aim was to raise the interest and awareness of PEM within the Northern region, to share good practice and encourage networking amongst medical and nursing staff that care for unwell and injured children.

We thought it was important to be multidisciplinary and multi-professional as we all work toward a common goal; good quality, safe care for children. This approach is just as relevant 11 years into our journey.

Our Future Direction

Our overarching aim continues to be to promote Paediatric Emergency Medicine, provide a learning experience, share best practice and encourage networking within the specialty. We originally started as a regional group, but over the last few years colleagues from out of the region have joined us plus colleagues from prehospital care. We would like to see a wider network of PEM professionals across the country sharing innovations, good practice and ideas.

Our Conferences

Our first conference was in 2009 and included a presentation from each Emergency Department in the northern region and Dr Ian Maconochie as our first keynote speaker. We have had many interesting speakers since then including Dr Jonathan Wylie, Dr Ffion Davies Dr Damian Roland and Ms Naomi Davis covering topics including major trauma, minor injuries, safeguarding, cardiology, mental health, alcohol, accident prevention, respiratory problems and more.

The journal scan is always popular and part of what make the conference a success is the opportunity to share an interesting case, an audit, an initiative or a quality improvement project. We have seen some good quality posters over the years and there is now the added incentive of a prize for best poster and presentation. To apply to present or to let us know you intend to bring a poster please email enquiries@npem.org.uk.

In 2016 we introduced an interactive element for audience participation using voting buttons where we look at a virtual waiting room full of interesting patients. In 2018 we also had a group simulation.

The feedback we receive from delegates informs the programme for the following year. For more information on this years programme click here.