11th Annual Conference

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Final programme

08:15 – 09:00 Registration / Tea & Coffee
09:00 – 09:05 Welcome and Introduction. Dr Gill Davidson Consultant PEM North Tees, NPEM Chair
1st Session: Chair: Dr Jen Rhodes, PEM Consultant, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead
09:05 – 09:55 Northumbria Police – Local Perspective on Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking. Detective Chief Inspector Philip Bond, Complex Abuse and Safeguarding, Northumbria Police
09:55 – 10:40 Mental Health Emergencies in the Paediatric Emergency Department. Dr Paul McArdle, Consultant Child and Adolescent Mental Health Northumbria Tyne and Wear NHSFT
10:40 – 10:55 Refreshment Break
2nd Session: Chair: Dr George Simpson, PEM Consultant, North Tees Hospital
10:55 – 11:35 Journal scan. Dr Niall Mullen, PEM Consultant, Sunderland Royal Hospital
11:35 – 11:50 PEDATT. Dr Kathryn Eastham, Consultant Paediatrician, Sunderland Royal Hospital
11:50 – 12:05 Young People in the A&E – Achieving Appropriate Psychosocial Assessment including the risk of CSE. Dr Nikki Goodall, Paediatric HST
12:05 – 12:20 The Paediatric Sepsis Podcast: Using new technology to share patient, parent and expert perspectives. Dr Monica Parker, Paediatric Teaching Fellow, Medisense
12:20 – 13:05 Lunch including posters and visit to sponsors
3rd Session: Chair: Dr Michael Schofield, PEM Consultant, North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust
13:05 – 13:35 Choose Your Own Trauma Adventure…Dr Niall Mullen and team.
13:35 – 13:50 Pre-School atraumatic limp: what is the clinical utility of pelvic X-Rays? Dr Andrew Hinchliffe, Trust Doctor in Paediatrics, Sunderland Royal Hospital
13:50 – 14:05 Paediatric Cervical Spine Trauma. Dr Monisha Prabhaker, ST3 DREEM Trainee, Broomfields Hospital.
14:05 – 14:50 Paediatric Respiratory Emergencies. Dr Matthew Thomas, Paediatric Respiratory Consultant, GNCH, Newcastle upon Tyne.
14:50 – 15:10 Refreshment Break
4th Session: Chair: Dr Myra Herbert, PEM Consultant, Sunderland Royal Hospital
15:10 – 15:20 Vote off – electronic audience voting for presentations / posters
15:20 – 16:15 Interactive session: A day in a Paediatric ED. Dr Jason Urron & Dr Ryan Clark, Consultants PEM, Royal Victoria Infirmary GNCH, Newcastle upon Tyne
16:15 – 16:30 Presentation of prizes, closing remarks. Dr Gill Davidson NPEM Chair


The Crowne Plaza, Stephenson Quarter, Newcastle upon Tyne. The building is behind Newcastle central station and parking is £6 a day. Map Link